Consistency of PKT and KOSTRAD in Reducing Carbon Gas Emissions

Carbon emissions are gases emitted from the combustion of carbon-containing compounds, such as CO2, diesel, LPG, and other fuels. In a simple term, carbon emissions refer to the release of carbon into the atmosphere.
Carbon emissions are one of the causes of climate change in the world. This process can have an impact on the environment, human health, to create economic instability.
The carbon footprint can be reduced through increased energy efficiency and changes in lifestyle and buying habits. Shifting one's use of energy and transportation can have an impact on the primary carbon footprint.
PKT and Kostrad Encourage Decarbonization Through Expansion of the Community Forest Program
PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) is increasing its commitment to drive decarbonization through the expansion of the Community Forest program. This program is part of the implementation of the company's Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) principles.
In carrying out the Community Forest program, Pupuk Kaltim has made many collaborations. Most recently, this company collaborated with the Kutai National Park (TNK) and the Benih Baik Indonesia Foundation ( to plant 500 thousand mangrove seedlings focusing on Eastern Indonesia.
Main Director of Pupuk Kaltim Rahmad Pribadi said Community Forest is targeting to plant 10 million trees by 2030. "Out of this target, 6 million of them are mangrove seedlings distributed across various regions in eastern Indonesia," he said in his official statement.
In collaboration with TNK, Pupuk Kaltim will plant 300 thousand mangrove seedlings on the coast of Bontang City according to the area determined by the TNK Agency, and 100 thousand seedlings in the Pupuk Kaltim conservation area in the Telok Bangko area. Meanwhile, in collaboration with Benih Baik Indonesia, they planted not only mangrove seedlings but also harum manis mangoes with a total of 110 thousand seeds spread across the provinces of NTT and West Papua.
For mangroves, 25,000 seedlings will be planted each in Lembata and Alor, NTT, and 50,000 seedlings in Sorong, West Papua. As for mango trees, 10,000 seedlings were planted in Kupang.
Rahmad added, the expansion of the Community Forest mangroves is targeted to reach 1 million trees in one year, so that the realization of 6 million seedlings can be achieved with continuous planting until 2030.
Founder of Benih Baik Indonesia, Andy F Noya, said that community forest is a shared momentum in encouraging environmental improvement and reducing carbon emissions, in addition to efforts to increase contribution to the community's economy through empowerment.
"This is important to be carried out continuously, considering the benefits generated are not only for the environment but also for society from an economic and empowerment." said Andy.
He considered the community forest to be concrete evidence of Pupuk Kaltim in supporting equality, not only in terms of development but also efforts to improve the environment to improve the community's economy.
As in Bontang City, for example, the community gets economic benefits from the nursery and management of mangrove seedlings in the Pupuk Kaltim conservation area, and is able to create economic opportunities from derivative products such as making syrup to mangrove-based snacks.
In addition, the aspect of empowerment indirectly involves the community in protecting the trees planted for sustainable benefits. "Seeing the realization that is being carried out, community forest can be an affirmation of Pupuk Kaltim's commitment to continue increasing its contribution to the environment and society. If this continues to be encouraged, we are sure that the value of the benefits will be felt equally by the people in Indonesia," Andy explained.
Government Targets in Efforts to Reduce Carbon Gas Emissions
The Indonesian government has renewed its pledge to reduce carbon emissions. This is recorded in the latest Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) document, which is now called Enhanced NDC and was registered with the UNFCCC in September 2022.
NDC is the commitment of countries involved in the Paris Agreement to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to climate change. These commitments are generally renewed every five years.
In the first NDC in 2016, Indonesia committed to reducing carbon emissions by 29% with its own efforts, or 41% with international assistance.
In the new Enhanced NDC, the carbon emission reduction target rises to 31.89% with its own business, or 43.2% with international assistance.
Under normal conditions (business as usual), Indonesia's carbon emissions in 2030 are projected to reach 2,869 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTon CO2e).
Then, with the new Enhanced NDC, the government is targeting that Indonesia's carbon emissions in 2030 will decrease to 1,953 MTon CO2e on its own, or to 1,632 MTon CO2e with international assistance.
"This commitment will be implemented through effective land use and spatial planning, sustainable forest management, ecosystem restoration, increased agricultural productivity, energy conservation, promotion of renewable energy and better waste management," said the Indonesian government in the Enhanced NDC document.
"Indonesia can also increase its contribution to reducing carbon emissions by up to 43.2% in 2030 with international support in the form of financing, technology transfer and capacity building," it continued.
The government recognizes that energy drives the economy and therefore, the energy transition must focus on reducing carbon intensity and benefiting every household.
To support this, the Government has prepared several schemes, including in the areas of carbon pricing and carbon trading. In addition, green investment has also proven to be more attractive in both the capital market and public branding. By minimizing the use of plastic and replacing it with organic materials, people will slowly change their mindset and maintain a cleaner, greener and more sustainable life. Another area that the government is actively promoting is the use of electric vehicles (EV).
About PKT’s Community Forest Program
The Community Forest program was initiated by Pupuk Kaltim in encouraging decarbonization, in order to achieve the Net Zero Emission target in 2060 through the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). This program is also an effort to support government programs to reduce carbon emissions and maintain environmental sustainability, through an integrative approach while reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with a target of 26 percent.
Pupuk Kaltim continues to develop this by increasing its contribution to environmental management and community empowerment, in order to support the business ecosystem and corporate governance to provide broad benefits.
In addition, the Community Forest also invites the role of the community to gain benefits, both in terms of land productivity and welfare. This program targets unused and critical land belonging to the community, to be used to make it productive again by planting various types of trees and commodities facilitated and directly assisted by Pupuk Kaltim.
Not only that, the Community Forest program is also supported by mentoring farming communities around the planting areas to be able to process, maintain and distribute harvests.
Since it was first announced in 2022, the Community Forest program has been carried out in various areas, namely Makroman-Samarinda, Bontang, Sukabumi with a total number of trees planted reaching 11,636 hard trees and 53,000 mangroves.
Pupuk Kaltim consistently carries out sustainable innovations, to achieve the target of reducing carbon emissions through various programs in the ESG corridor. This is a form of the company's commitment to encouraging green transformation, which is expected to contribute to the potential for absorbing carbon emissions while increasing community welfare and improving the environment. (Nisa)