Maudy Koesnaedi’s High End-Plant Collections, Guest what fertilizers?
Pupuk untuk Koleksi Tanaman Mahal Milik Maudy Koesnaedi
(Istimewa)Acting as Zaenab an innocent girl in Rano Karno’s phenomenal drama serial movie, she started her career as an actress and drama serial movies after being crowned as None Jakarta in 1993.
At that time, there’s no one knows Zaenab, a Betawi girl who was matched with Si Doel, played by Rano Karno. Because the drama serial movie is broadcast every day on a private television station.
It turns out that Maudy’s role in her first drama serial movie was also the first step to the success of a Sundanese woman born in 1975 in the cinema and drama serial movie scene until she also played a role as a producer in some films and theatres.
Maudy now has a young son named Eddy Maliq Meijer, her son from her husband Frederik Johannes Meijer who blaster in Dutch-Danish-Scottish-Irish. In her beautiful house, looking at High End-Plant Collections of maudy where she likes to share on her social media.
Maudy’s High End-Plant Collections
A varies of plants of Maudy’s collections are expensive and much hunted. From monstera king to philodendron dark lord.
Citing, here are 5 collections of high end and beautiful Maudy Koesnaedi plants.
- Montera King
Monstera King is in the corner of the house. This plant can be a cool background for photos. The atmosphere at home is getting warmer with ornamental plants such as Monstera King. The high price of Monstera King is due to its rarity, uniqueness of leaf colour, and breeding.
- Philodendron dan Aglaonema
Philodendron and Aglaonema are seen decorating Maudy Koesnaedi’s house. The philodendron is placed in a black pot with the addition of a woven bamboo pot. On the back, right next to the door, he put Aglaonema of various kinds.
- Philodendron Dark Lord
Philodendron Dark Lord with this exotic-looking blackish green colour could be an alternative. This type of Philodendron has red leaf stems. He placed the Dark Lord’s Philodendron on a circular wooden pot with its feet on the chair.
- Calathea Lutea
Calathea Lutea, with leaves resembling banana leaves, is seen decorating the corner of her home garden.
This plant provides shade in the small garden of Maudy’s house. There are various ornamental plants on the floor, such as the philodendron.
- Bird’s Nest Nail
Bird’s nest nails are seen decorating the floor of the terrace’s house. She placed ferns in pottery pots with other plants such as Calathea Lutea. The Bird’s Nest Nail looks growing well, as was Calathea Lutea, which was placed in a corner of the garden.
How to grow nest nails of one of the expensive flowers of Maudy with the right fertilizer
Kadaka or has the Latin name Asplenium Scorpio is one type of decorative plant that is much loved and the price is expensive. Kadaka is a type of fern that is found in cool and humid areas. Kadaka usually grows attached to plant stems, but can also live if planted in potting media.
This plant is one type of decorative plant that is in great demand. Some people even refer to this plant as a bird’s nest fern plant. It has unique leaf characteristics, light green in colour, and spreads in all directions, making it popular with many people. However, when planted in a pot, this Kadaka plant will have leaves that grow creeping in all directions resembling a wave of love flower plants.
These ornamental plants are easy to adapt to in various types of environment in which they grow, and their maintenance is quite easy. Want to own and care for this ornamental plant, the following is compiled from how to plant and care for Kadaka so that it is fertile and beautiful.
To do this Kadaka nursery is very easy. Seedlings are obtained from the spores produced by the Kadaka plant itself. The spores will become the seeds for the kadaka plant or bird’s nest nails.
Prepare a planting medium to plant these spores. Before sowing the spores, you should first moisten the planting media until it is damp. After that, sprinkle the spores evenly on the prepared planting medium.
Then cover the container with plastic so it is damp. Let stand for a few days, then the spores will turn to germinate. After that, you can move it to a polybag or pot. The planting medium used can be charcoal, coconut husk, or chopped ferns.
- Good plant placement.
Kadaka plants include shade plants that cannot be exposed to direct sunlight. The colour of the leaves of this bird’s nest nail is bright green and if exposed to sunlight the leaves will turn yellow and die. Therefore, this plant should be placed in a shady and humid place so that it can live well. These ferns are often grown because the wrinkled shape of the leaves and the light they receive will affect how wrinkled the foliage is.
- Sprinkling
Care must be precise for the unique properties to remain. Lack of water and food triggers the nature of faded and straight curls as before. Therefore, you can water every 3 days. Too much fertilizer will also cause deformed leaves with brown or yellow spots. Choose porous media, such as ferns and calliandra with a ratio of 4: 1. Calliandra serves as a provider of nutrients.
- Fertilization
Choosing the right fertilizer and applying it in the right way and time is also a surefire way to care for this type of fern plant to thrive. Like ferns and other ferns, Kadaka is susceptible to diseases, such as mealybugs. Therefore, fertilizer application is highly recommended.
The planting trend is also followed by a trend in plant fertilization products, one of which is NPK fertilizer, which is a chemical type of fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. PT Pupuk Kaltim has been known to be the best NPK fertilizer producer, namely NPK Pelangi fertilizer. For ornamental plants, NPK Pelangi fertilizer with a composition of 16-16-16 is usually used.
The application of NPK fertilizer should be done correctly. If the use of NPK fertilizer on plants is not correct, it can cause damage to plants. The damage that can occur is that the plant withers, or burns to the death of plant.
To apply the NPK Pelangi fertilizer correctly, here’s how to dissolve: 10 grams of NPK fertilizer in 1 litre of water. To make it easier for us, prepare 1 litre of water in a bucket. 1 litre of water in the bucket was given 10 grams of NPK Pelangi fertilizer. The dose for 10 grams is half a tablespoon more. After mixing 1 litre of water with 10 grams of fertilizer, dissolve it until evenly distributed. After dissolving the NPK fertilizer with water, use a small cup to water the plants.
Fertilizer should be applied once a month, don’t make it too frequent, then our plants will not be fertile but will be damaged.