PT Pupuk Kaltim’s Penta-helix Concept as an Element of Tourism Potential Development

PT Pupuk Kaltim empowerment programs for the development of tourism potential
PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim), a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia, continues to encourage the development of tourism potential in East Kalimantan Province. Not only is PT Pupuk Kaltim responsible for distributing subsidized fertilizer in the area, but they are also known to help increase the prosperity of local farmers. PT Pupuk Kaltim has a Makmur program that supports the development of the agricultural sector and increases productivity for farmers in the East Kalimantan Province.
Another example of PT Pupuk Kaltim support in the region is their continuous support in developing its tourism sector. Bontang City, East Kalimantan Province, is one of the regions where PT Pupuk Kaltim is boosting its tourism potential through the development of the Guntung Eco Culture Sport Tourism (GECST) program.
“Development of tourism and the creative economy is one of the priority programs of the Bontang City Government, to optimize the potential of the region. With regards, this is fully supported by PKT for the development of Guntung Village with the concept of cultural and sports tourism,” said Mayor of Bontang City, Basri Rase, as reported by Republika.
According to PT Pupuk Kaltim Director of Finance and General Affairs, Qomaruzzaman, the development of tourism potential is also PT Pupuk Kaltim’s target to prepare for when the new State Capital (IKN) is built. The State Capital (IKN) that is set to be moved to the Kalimantan Region can result in Bontang as a superior destination that can attract tourists and can be able to make a significant contribution to the region and community development.
“When IKN runs, Bontang tourism will become a national destination. That’s why we need to prepare from the start, and later it’s just a matter of developing it for sustainability. This is taken seriously by PKT so that our tourism potential becomes superior in East Kalimantan,” explained Qomaruzzaman.
Malahing to become a leading destination
The push to develop the Guntung Eco Culture Sport Tourism (GECST) program in Bontang City is a continuation of the success of the tourism sector in Malahing village. The program that PT Pupuk Kaltim ran in Malahing village is the Better Living in Malahing, which offers various tourism activities and stays on a low budget. This program managed to put Malahing in the top 100 national tourist destinations.
“For this reason, the development of other potentials is followed up by the PKT through the GECST program so that Bontang tourism can grow and develop. The GECST program is a continuation of the development of the tourism sector initiated by the PT Pupuk Kaltim after Better Living in Malahing and will be carried out in the next five years,” said Qomaruzzaman.
PT Pupuk Kaltim VP of Social and Environmental Responsibility, Anggono Wijaya, said that the collaboration in the development of Malahing as one of Bontang’s leading destinations needs to be carried out considering that the guidance carried out by PT Pupuk Kaltim so far, refers to the Penta-helix concept as an element of tourism potential development. The concept includes the involvement of all elements of society such as the government, academics, companies, communities, and mass media that is aimed at developing local culture and resources in promoting the regional tourism sector.
“So with the involvement of various parties, we can produce recommendations for more optimal tourism management in Malahing in the future,” said Anggono.
The main attraction of the Malahing village tourism offers an experience of island living on a small budget. Arriving there, visitors will be offered tour packages with activities such as fishing, snorkeling, Batik making, making amplang crackers or soap made of seaweed, processing mangrove syrup to making handicrafts from shellfish. The continuation of this tourism village is supported by the infrastructure and facilities from public bathrooms, mosques, homestays, and internet available to make the best of the visitor’s stay in the village.
PT Pupuk Kaltim strengthens capacity of Pokdarwis in Tanjung Laut Indah
The success of making Malahing into the top 100 national tourist destinations is not far from the efforts made by the Bontang city government, PT Pupuk Kaltim, and the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis). While the Bontang city government and PT Pupuk Kaltim guide the region’s efforts in developing the tourism sector in Malahing, the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) is in charge of managing and inventorying tourism in Tanjung Laut Indah Village.
Last month, PT Pupuk Kaltim held an activity to increase the capacity of the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) of Tanjung Laut Indah village and coastal communities who are members of the Better Living in Malahing program. The Activity is in collaboration with the LCT Course and Training Development Malang, East Java, that took place for one day at the Bontang Youth, Sports, and Tourism (Dispopar) office building.
The activity is given to increase the capacity of human resource managers so that the independence of the community that has been prepared for the regional development of the last five years will run optimally. By increasing its Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis), PT Pupuk Kaltim along with the Bontang government hopes to maximize the tourism potential of Malahing so that next year it can enter the top 50 nominations for the Indonesian Tourism Village Awards (ADWI), from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf).